Saturday, May 25, 2013

Vienna Day Three: Sailing through the Wachau Valley

After the Melk Abbey, the group headed toward the Danube River for a cruise through the famous and beautiful Wachau Valley. Our first boat, the Wachau, had four levels, and while a few students and faculty stayed inside and enjoyed some food, other braved the cool weather and sat on the boat's top deck.

As the boat journeyed down the Danube, we saw several ruins of ancient castles, numerous churches, and vineyards dotting the mountain sides. 

At Spitz, a quaint vineyard-centered town, we switched boats and majority of the group now sat on the top deck.

The most famous town we saw while on the river was Duernstein, where Richard the Lionhearted was once held captive. The castle he was held in now lies in ruins as it overlooks the picturesque community.

The two hours of sights concluded when we landed in Krems, where we caught a train back to Vienna. Once we found our seats on the train, we began discussing the day's events and the memories from them! Throughout the ride back to Westbahnhof, time flew by as the group laughed its way back to the Wombat Hostel. All in all, the third day of Austria came to a close with an abundance of laughter and countless photos to forever remember the day.

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